Texas Olive Update & Grower’s Seminar on June 3rd in Uvalde, Texas

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension will host a Texas Olive Update & Grower’s Seminar on June 3rd in Uvalde, Texas. This half-day educational event will provide an update on the status of the Texas olive industry and on research efforts regarding olive production in Texas. Lessons learned over the past 25 years of commercial olive production in Texas will be shared, setting the stage for what the future of the industry might look like. The challenges of olive production will be discussed in detail, along with findings and recommendations to mitigate these challenges. Attendees will also hear presentations on the results of research on olive cold-hardiness and disease resistance. Findings from six years of coordinated olive variety trials across Texas will be discussed, and there will be a tour of one of these trials on-site. The program will conclude with a discussion on the best practices for olive and olive oil production in Texas. The event will be held at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Uvalde; doors will open at 8am and the program will conclude at 1pm. There is no charge to attend this event and registration is not required but RSVP is requested. For more information, contact Stephen Janak: stephen.janak@ag.tamu.edu. RSVP at: tx.ag/TxOliveUpdate