TXAOO 2023 Announcements

April 5, 2023
Dear members, sponsors and friends,
On behalf of the Board members of Texas Association of Olive Oil (TXAOO), we would like to make the following announcements:
Despite the complete loss of olives in the state of Texas for the last two years, the fortitude and determination shown by Texas olive growers have triggered the necessity of an active and visible Association. Although the Association never truly went idle, we are ready to re-establish and work hand in hand with all Texas olive growers in the recovery and resurgence of the Texas Olive Industry.
The loss of many Texas olive orchards throughout the state has caused many of our friends and colleagues to exit the Texas olive industry entirely resulting in the resignation of 5 of the 7 voting board members. As of February 2023, the only board members were Cathy Bernell and Christine McCabe. With the unprecedented situation of the board lacking sufficient numbers to conduct meetings with a quorum, the remaining board members held an emergency meeting, invited and voted Mike Walzel onto the board.
With a quorum present, the board has voted and passed the motion to conduct immediate elections to re-establish and reseat the Board. The board elections will be conducted as outlined in the Association Bylaws. An email will be sent to all present and past members with instructions on how to become or retain a current Association membership. You must be a current Association member to nominate and vote for board members.
We look forward to an active and productive Association reflective of the determined, well-versed and bright future of the Texas olive industry. So, become an active member of Texas Association of Olive Oil and share your voice, ideas and inspiration needed to mold the future of Texas olives.
Best regards,
Cathy Bernell, TXAOO – President